Excellence and Awards
We acknowledge excellence, achievement and perseverance.
At Ahutoetoe School we work towards achieving the school vision and Ahuatange (values) through the way we present ourselves, how we communicate with others, in our approach to learning, when we are challenged and when we excel.
When staff see one of our visions and values being demonstrated we present the child with a Tohu (a symbol or token). This is a lanyard with the vision/value clearly marked. All of our learners understand how special this is; receiving a tohu is something to be very proud of.
The tohu is identified as one of our visions - Hono (Connect), Poipoi (Nurture) or Hiringa (Inspire) or one of our ahuatanga/values - Whanaungatanga, Tiakitanga or Mātauranga. The teacher explains to the learner what wonderful behaviour they were demonstrating and the reasons for receiving the tohu. The tohu is worn around the neck for the rest of the day (This is a safety lanyard and releases if pulled). By displaying their tohu; teachers, staff and other learners are able to congratulate, praise and enquire with the learner around their achievement.
Teachers send home a photograph on Hero of the learner wearing their tohu. Remember to ask your child why they received their special tohu today! They should be able to explain this to you, as they would have been asked by lots of people already throughout the day.
We think that it is really important that learners are able to understand and communicate why they were praised and received a tohu. We want to enable our learners to articulate their achievements themselves instead of us writing them on a certificate.
To ensure that learners have the ability to boast to all your visitors - they can earn a certificate once they have received 3 tohus. This is awarded in a hui/assembly and can be brought home to adorn the fridge!
Connect ... Nurture ... Inspire
Hono ... Poipoi ... Hiringa
Day Schedule
Gates open: 8.15am
School day: 8.45am – 2.45pm
Learning Session 1: 8.45am - 10.45am
Learning Session 2: 11.15am – 12.35pm
Learning Session 3: 1.20pm – 2.45pm
Term 1
Thursday 1 February - Friday 12 April
Waitangi Day – observed 6th Feb
Good Friday – 29 March
Easter Monday – 1st April
Easter Tuesday - 2nd April
Term 2
Monday 29 April - Friday 5 July
Anzac Day – 25th April
Teacher Only Day - 31st May
Kings Birthday – 3rd June
Matariki – 28th June
Term 3
Monday 22 July - Friday 27 September
Term 4
Monday 14 October - Tuesday 17 December
Teacher Only Day - 25th October
Labour Day – 28th October
Email: admin@ahutoetoe.school.nz
Phone: 09 242 8100