Parent A-Z

This directory is designed to answer many of your questions. Please scroll through each letter to find the topics you are searching for.



Students are required by the Education Act to attend school whenever it is open unless there is good reason for being absent. (Most appointments, apart from necessary doctor and dentist cases, should be made for after school hours) Parents are required to let the school know if their child is to be absent for any reason. This can be done via the Hero app. If a student fails to arrive and the school has no knowledge of the student’s whereabouts, we will endeavor to contact the parents/caregivers.

Students must be signed in/out at the office if they are arriving late or leaving during school hours.

Accidents/ illnesses 

Duty teachers and office staff attend to minor matters. You will be contacted if your child becomes ill at school or if an accident requires ongoing attention. In such cases, it is advisable that children are collected and taken home. In an emergency, an ambulance and parents/caregivers will be called immediately. 

Please ensure we are informed of any chronic conditions or allergies and that we have up to date emergency contact numbers. 

If your child requires medication at school, this needs to be discussed with office staff and any medicines kept in the office. 

After school care

We have Before School Care available from 7.00am - 8.15am. Children are able to enter their classrooms from 8:15am. After School Care is available from 2.45pm - 6.00pm

For all communication relating to Before and After School Care please contact Premium Kids Care directly Premium Kids Care


We will hold assemblies, however this will depend on the school roll and spaces available at our temporary school. When we are able to hold these, whanau are welcome to attend. The children join together to run the assembly and celebrate successes in the classroom and on the sports fields, to reinforce good social behavior and promote the arts in the school. You will receive an invitation via Hero to whole school assemblies.


Punctuality matters. Please ensure your children arrive by 8.30am. For your child's safety, children should not be at school before 8.15am or stay after 2.45pm unless engaged in a supervised activity e.g. sports practice, on site after school care facility.

Students can enter classrooms from 8.15am onwards and teachers will be available to attend to student needs during this time.  Any arrivals after 8.40am need to sign in at the office and then be ready for lessons starting at 8.45am.  

Awards and Achievements

Ahutoetoe celebrates individual successes by acknowledging the personal achievements of our students in class, at assemblies (when on) and end of term and end of year celebration hui's. Students are chosen not only for working well in class but for their behaviour and attitude in and out of the classroom.


Behaviour / Bullying

Our school has a no tolerance policy for bullying and teaches children to develop self-discipline through an emphasis on positive behaviour and a reflection on choices made. We also help children learn to work through their problems with programmes such as Peer mediation, Keeping Ourselves Safe and Mitey.

If problems occur, we find a joint approach between home and school is the most effective way to help children learn more appropriate behaviour. As a result, we will contact you if there are any major problems. We also encourage children and/ or parents to report any concerns.

Bikes / Scooters 

Children may bring their wheels (bikes, skateboards or scooters) to school. It is the parent's responsibility to ensure their child has a safe bicycle/scooter and wears a helmet.

In the interests of pedestrians and small children, students may not ride their bikes or scooters in the school grounds before and after school. Please reinforce this with your children.

Board of Trustees

Our BOT meets each month. Information about these meetings can be found on the BOT page.


Car Parking 

Most schools have parking issues and ours is no different! There are a number of parks along Ruxton Road and a small car park adjacent to our temporary build. Parking is limited near the school during morning and afternoons. We encourage you to walk to school if possible.

To help alleviate parking issues, we will have a drive-through area where parents can stop by the gate and children can get in or out. These can be used once your child is confident about coming into class independently. 

Community Involvement 

At Ahutoetoe we want all of our community to be involved in lots of different ways. We hope to have an active parent group - please see 'Our Community' pages.

Parents are invited to accompany classes on school trips and to assist with school events. Please let your child's Kaiako know if you have any special talents to share with us or if you would like to help in classrooms, the library, the gardens or on the sports field. 

Computer Literacy 

Children have access to computers/Ipads in their classrooms. The computers are used as one learning tool within the normal class programme and all Internet access is supervised. 


Please ensure the office has up to date phone and address(es) details in case we need to contact you. Children are not permitted to use the school phones unless it is an emergency.


Communication between teachers and parents is encouraged. If parents have any matters they wish to discuss with a staff member please contact them via Hero in the first instance. The Principal is always happy to meet with parents and an appointment can be made by contacting the school office.


As we develop we hope to have camp opportunities for our senior students.

Complaints Policy

An agreed procedure has been established so that parents and caregivers will always know how and in what circumstances they should contact the principal, individual teachers or Board of Trustees members.

If the concern is related to classroom learning, social interaction or home situations that could affect the student’s learning development, an appointment should be made to discuss the problem with your child's Kaiakor. If this discussion fails to achieve satisfactory results, either the kaiako or the parent or caregiver should consult with the deputy principals. Should the matter still not be resolved, then the principal’s advice should be sought. Where parents or caregivers have a concern about a particular teacher and feel unable to approach that teacher or if the concern involves a sensitive home problem, the curriculum, or overall running of the school, the following procedures should be followed:- An appointment should be made with the principal. Where matters are deemed serious enough, the principal will maintain written documentation about the consultation. This will assist in following up matters if necessary or in reporting matters to the Board of Trustees. If, after consultation with the principal, the parent or caregiver still feels the matter has not been settled satisfactorily, a signed complaint in writing should be forwarded directly to the Board of Trustees for consideration at the next Board of Trustees meeting.



Ahutoetoe focuses on positive behaviour. If there is a serious discipline issue, then parents are contacted.


All activity fees and school donations are combined and will be called family contributions. This means they are effectively a donation from families to help cover the costs of online subscriptions, visiting performers and student experiences. There may be other activities that require additional payments, such as trips and performances.


Education outside the classroom

EOTC is considered an important part of the learning programme. Notices of planned trips will be sent home via Hero and we need the permission slip to be signed and returned to school prior to these outings. 


Fire, Tsunami, Flood and Earthquake drills:

Drills will be held regularly. All children and parents must keep calm and follow the instructions of the fire warden. Please note: Parents and visitors on site during a drill or real evacuation MUST follow the directions of the site warden and join evacuation actions.

For Fire, a continuous bell will signal teachers to evacuate children to the assembly point on the field. In the event of a real fire, children will be released to parents from this point once the roll has been called and the warden has given the all clear. 

For Earthquake, children are instructed to seek shelter under tables and in doorways. A continuous bell will sound when it is considered safe for children to move to the assembly area. The collection of children will proceed as above.

For Flood, every parent will be text and emailed to advise if the school is closing.  Collection will be expected in the following hour, the main reason is because flooded water can effect the sewerage and toilet systems.  Its a good to have contact details of other parents in your child's class encase you are unable to get to school.  Please ensure your contact details are up-to-date with the school office.

For Tsunami, children will be lead to higher ground as soon as possible.

Other emergency procedures are contained in school policies. Common sense must prevail at all times to ensure everyone's safety.



Please consider students with allergies to nuts when packing lunches. We are nut-free to ensure the safety of children with severe nut allergies. Packaged food that states "may contain traces of nuts" are permitted.

We also ask parents to refrain from bringing food to school for birthday parties and farewells. Please see our food policy for more details.

 Please note that there is no tuck shop and all children need to bring their play-lunch and lunch to school. There are opportunities to order lunches from Subway available on Fridays. To purchase these, these must be ordered online by 8pm Thursday. 


We hope that our future PTA will organise various fundraising activities throughout the year. Whilst participation in these is optional, we will rely on fundraising to purchase classroom and school resources and equipment that is essential to your child’s learning and safety.



Hall Hire

We want our school hall to be a facility that can be used by all of our community. If you have ideas for uses such as sports, arts, group meetings, and events please contact us for further information


Details of terms can be found on the Ministry of Education website  and on our calendar page.

Holiday Programme

 Premium Kids Care will offer a Holiday Programme  and be available during Teacher Only Day. These will run from 7:30am – 6:00pm Monday – Friday and will be approximately $65.00 per child per day.

Home Learning

Homework is not compulsory, but it is encouraged and recommended. Homework should, whenever possible, be a reinforcement of what is being studied and learned in the current class programme. We recommend reading with or to your child every evening, Practical number practice such as helping with shopping and baking, as well as times tables practice and spelling words. Physical activity, music and arts are also important parts of home learning. 



Ahutoetoe has internet safety and protocols in place. Students and parents are required to sign an agreement stating that our guidelines will be followed. Please return this to the school office.



Kapa Haka

We plan to have a Kapa Haka group. 


Kindo is an online platform that we use to take payments. Please create an account through your Hero app. All school payments can be made this way.



We are very fortunate to have a well stocked library. All learners will have opportunities to visit the library. During this time they may return and issue books, and to research. The library is also open at lunchtime. One of the greater contributions you could make to your child’s educational progress is to encourage home reading which should be a continuing and pleasurable activity.

Lost Property 

Lost property is kept in a central place. Please name your child's clothing clearly and if something is lost, check your child's classroom and the lost property area. Children are not permitted to bring toys to school as it is heart-breaking if precious items are lost. Remaining unclaimed items will be displayed during the last week of each term, with left over items being donated to charity. 


Children have three opportunities for eating during the day. Brain food break in the morning, morning tea, and lunch. Brain food break should be something small and Individually wrapped so that it is easily accessible - such as fruit or cut veggies. We encourage you to pack a healthy and nutritious lunch for your child - Quality food supports learning.




Any money brought to school must be in a named envelope with its purpose recorded. Please try to make all paymens online through Kindo. This can be accessed through Hero.



Our school newsletter (Kōrero) is published regularly. This will be sent out via Hero or you can view it here under Newsletters. Information contained in the newsletters relate to school activities, achievements etc.. We aim to distribute 10 -12 school newsletters each year. There are opportunities for school parents and local businesses to promote their business in this publication at an advertising cost. Please see the office or email if you are interested.


As well as the school newsletter there will be many notices that need to come home to you. These will all be sent out digitally via Hero. Please ensure that you are checking here regularly and keep track of the important things happening in the school and your child's hub.


Out of Zone Students

Please refer to the Ahutoetoe School Enrolment information- for School Zone map. We are unable to accept any out of zone enrolments.


Parent Help

There are many ways parents can be involved in school life, for example; In the junior years, kaiako may organise a parent help roster for reading and writing assistance. PTA – joining the committee or being a “helping hand” at events or other activities, Library – assistance with the Scholastic book club, stock take etc... Working bees, Road Crossing.  Please talk with your child's kaiako to see what you can assist with.

Personal Details 

During the course of the school day, photos may be taken of student learning. From time to time we may like to use photographs of your child for school noticeboard displays, school newsletters, school website and special articles in the local paper. Please advise if you do not wish for photos to be made available for this purpose. 

Personal Property

Students are discouraged from bringing any valuable or sentimental items to school as these items are easy to go astray.  Any phones or smart watches brought to school will be handed in to the kaiako in the morning and returned to students at the end of the day.

Physical Education/ Sport

All students are expected to take part unless prevented by ill health. 

The learning activities in health and physical education arise from the integration of four concepts, the following four strands and their achievement objectives.

The four strands are:

Playground supervision 

Students are supervised daily over morning tea and lunch breaks. The sick bay is monitored by office staff over these times as well.

Policies and Procedures 

A copy of school policies and procedures is available to view on request. 



Reporting to parents 

Real time reporting will be continuous through the Hero app. There will be a more formal academic report in the middle and end of the year, also through Hero.  Opportunities to meet with the teacher for conferencing will happen mid and end of year. We also encourage parents to contact kaiako to make a time to discuss any concerns or arising issues if they arise outside these formal times.

Responsibilities and Leadership

Students are given responsibilities in their classroom – everyone has small jobs to do from year one to year six. When your child reaches the senior school they are able to take on more responsibilities such as, Road Crossing, Librarians, Wet Day Monitor and Hub Leaders.


School Hours

We begin school at 8.45am and finish at 2.45pm. The children have morning tea between 10.45am and 11.15am. Lunchtime is from 12:35-1:20pm.  All classes have a 'brain break' around 10.00am.


Please note that the entire school site (including fields and car park) is smoke free at all times.


To make going Back to School easy for you we have teamed up with Office Max to have our class list requirements loaded up and ready to be ordered.  We’ve found this is the easiest way for you to purchase your child’s requirements. Simply search for our school, select your child's Room lists and follow the instructions on the website.

Sun Hats 

In Term 1 and Term 4  all children must wear a sunhat in the playground. If children forget their hat they will spend playtime/ lunchtime in designated shade areas. The School branded sunhat is available for purchase through our uniform supplier - Please visit the Uniform page.


Teacher Interviews

This is an opportunity for teachers to share with you the information they have on your child including the learning goals they have set. It is also an opportunity for you to share information about your child with the teacher which will help them best meet their needs. Interview slots are 10 minutes long. We are using the online booking system - School Interviews. When interviews are scheduled you will receive a code to use online to book your slot.



Our school uniform can be purchased online through School Uniform Co - Please check the Uniform page for more information. There will be size samples available for viewing and trying on in the office. Students are expected to wear their school unifo0rm every day.






Connect ... Nurture ... Inspire

Hono ... Poipoi ... Hiringa

Day Schedule

Gates open: 8.15am

School day: 8.45am – 2.45pm

Learning Session 1: 8.45am - 10.45am

Learning Session 2: 11.15am – 12.35pm

Learning Session 3: 1.20pm – 2.45pm

Ahutoetoe School

89 Maryvale Road





Term 1: 

Monday 3 February - Friday 11 April

3 February - Connect Day

6 February - No School - Waitangi Day

Term 2: 

Monday 28 April - Friday 27 June

2 June - No School - Kings Birthday

20 June - No School - Matariki

Term 3: 

Monday 14 July - Friday 19 September

Term 4: 

Monday 6 October - Tuesday 16 December

27 October - No School - Labour Day



Phone: 09 242 8100