Cultural partnerships are an important part of school life. We embrace the variety of cultures that we have at Ahutoetoe School.

Te reo Maori and tikanga is how we embrace our New Zealand culture. We have kapa haka groups to express this.

Kapa Haka

What is Kapa Haka?


Kapa: 'stand in a row or rank, team'                Haka:  'dance, perform, cultural, '

Kapa haka involves a combination of song, dance and chanting. It is performed by cultural groups on a marae, at schools and during special events and festivals. 

Ahutoetoe School is a place where te reo me ōna tikanga are valued and the purpose of kapa haka at Ahutoetoe is to grow learner and staff confidence with their reo through haka, waiata and waiata a-ringa (action songs).  It also provides an opportunity to learn about tikanga. In our Hiringa senior classes, We start and finish sessions with karakia and learn a variety of waiata that support te reo Māori learning.  A large part of each session is dedicated to waiata that can be sung at ceremonies like pōwhiri.

"Kapa haka is a catalyst for change that has a fundamental link to, and is a powerful medium of Māori identity, culture, and pride. Kapa haka plays a large role in the revitalisation of the Māori language and Māori cultural values. It enhances positive well-being by encouraging a sense of belonging, providing a "safe haven" in which to practice te reo me ōna tikanga, whilst reinforcing social collaboration and cohesion." (

Read more about Kapa Haka HERE

We have been lucky enough to be gifted a Kapa Haka T-shirt design by Darry Roycroft of Mura Creative. See the creative brief below.

Te Rōpū o Ahutoetoe.pdf

Mau Rakau

Whaea Leanne works with our senior tama (boys) on Mau Rakau which is a traditional martial art unique to Aotearoa New Zealand. Mau Rakau helps our boys develop cultural knowledge and understanding as well as a number of different skills. The boys learn key life skills such as the value and purpose of leadership, togetherness, respect, confidence, and communication. They also learn about and develop specific cultural values such as pepeha (sharing who you are, where you are from, and the important people in your life) as well as Haka (ceremonial dance) and a deeper understanding of tikanga (Māori customs and traditions). All of this is done in a fun and disciplined way that builds friendships and fitness. 

Meanwhile, our senior girls take part in Poi. Poi is both the name of the object (a weight on the end of a flexible cord) and what you do with that object (spin it in circles around your body). Today, poi continues to play an important role in Māoridom and across the globe as a form of performance, play, and fitness.  Poi encourages the wrists to become supple, increases dexterity in both arms and also improves agility. Traditionally, such skills were useful when using all Māori weaponry including the taiaha. The poi was a common pastime and is actively practiced today, especially as part of competitive kapa haka performances. 

Connect ... Nurture ... Inspire

Hono ... Poipoi ... Hiringa

Day Schedule

Gates open: 8.15am

School day: 8.45am – 2.45pm

Learning Session 1: 8.45am - 10.45am

Learning Session 2: 11.15am – 12.35pm

Learning Session 3: 1.20pm – 2.45pm

Ahutoetoe School

89 Maryvale Road





Term 1
Thursday 1 February - Friday 12 April
Waitangi Day – observed 6th Feb 

Good Friday – 29 March
Easter Monday – 1st April

Easter Tuesday - 2nd April

Term 2
Monday 29 April - Friday 5 July

Anzac Day – 25th April

Teacher Only Day - 31st May
Kings Birthday – 3rd June

Matariki  – 28th June

Term 3
Monday 22 July - Friday 27 September

Term 4
Monday 14 October - Tuesday 17 December

Teacher Only Day - 25th October
Labour Day – 28th October



Phone: 09 242 8100